an ifugao child
What will life be like for this Ifugao child?
Everyday, this child will wake to cheerful birdsongs and glorious sunrises. At night, she will be lulled to sleep by cool mountain breezes and the rhythmic calls of the crickets.
In time, she will learn the ways of her elders, and wear the colors of her tribe with pride. She will walk with the grace and dignity of her people, sure footed on even the steepest and most winding mountain trails. She will learn to work closely with Nature, knowing when the grains of rice will be ready for harvest, relying on the sun and the stars for the time, and the clouds for the weather.
And yet, this child will grow up differently.
As the times change, so will her future.
Another path is opening up to children like her. She will have more opportunities than those before her. The world will be at her feet.
She will have the best of both tradition and modernity. She will retain the wisdom of her people, yet learn to harness technology for her needs.
She will stand tall beside people of other cultures, sure of her own identity. She will defend her rights -- as a woman, as an Ifugao, and as a person, above all -- and stand up for the rights of others.
Her spirit will soar, free and unfettered, even as she stays grounded in her reality. She will live with purpose, claiming all that is hers, and giving back all that she can.
With the grace of God, the love and support of her family, the blessings of Nature, and the benefit of a good education, this child will be all she can be.
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